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Cristian Daniele

PhD student, in Digital Security


About Me

PhD student in Digital Security

Hi all! I'm Cristian Daniele and I'm a PhD student at Radboud University.

My background covers various aspects of Cyber security. Although, during my Bachelor's and Master's degree, I deepened my knowledge about the formal analysis of protocols and specific cryptographic primitives used to insert delay within a process (my Master's thesis focuses on the C implementation of the VDF -- Verifiable Delay Functions).

Now, I'm focusing on fuzzing for stateful systems and formal analysis of protocols. Feel free to drop me a few lines if you are interested in these fields!

Name: Cristian Daniele
Address: Houtlaan 4, 6525 XZ Nijmegen
Degree: Master Degree
Office: 509


Education & Teaching


PhD in Digital Security

Radboud University | 2022 - ongoing :)

I started my PhD at Radboud University in November 2021 within the INTERSECT project.

Master's degree in Computer Science

University of Catania | 2018 - 2020

I obtained a Master's degree in Computer Science with honours with a thesis named: "A comparison between verifiable delay function implementations". Take a look at the manuscript and the code!

Degree in Computer Science

University of Catania | 2015 - 2018

I obtained a Degree in Computer Science with honours with a thesis named: "An Unity tool to edit and analyse polynomial meshes".

Teaching experience

Teaching assistant
  • Security Protocols | Radboud University - 2024
  • Software Security | Radboud University - 2023
  • Security Protocols | Radboud University - 2023
  • C++ programming | University of Catania - 2019
Thesis supervisions


Papers & Conferences


Uses of Active and Passive Learning in Stateful Fuzzing

C. Daniele, S. B. Andarzian, E. Poll | FCS 2024

Is Stateful Fuzzing Really Challenging?

C. Daniele | Arxiv 2024

On the (in)Eciency of Fuzzing Network Protocols

S. B. Andarzian, C. Daniele, E. Poll | Arxiv 2024

Green-Fuzz: Efficient Fuzzing for Network Protocol Implementations

S. B. Andarzian, C. Daniele, E. Poll | FPS 2023

Forkfuzz: Leveraging the Fork-Awareness in Coverage-Guided Fuzzing

M. Maugeri, C. Daniele, G. Bella | ICISSP 2023

The AILA Methodology for Automated and Intelligent Likelihood Assignment in Risk Assessment

G. Bella, C. Daniele, M. Raciti | IEEE Open Access 2023

Fuzzers for stateful systems: Survey and Research Directions

C. Daniele, S. B. Andarzian, E. Poll | ACM Computing Survey 2023

Evaluating the Fork-Awareness of Coverage-Guided Fuzzers

M. Maugeri, C. Daniele, G. Bella, E. Poll | ICISSP 2023

The AILA Methodology for Automated and Intelligent Likelihood Assignment

G. Bella, C. Daniele, M. Raciti | 6th CSP 2022


What’s fuzzing, and how can I find bugs while watching Netflix?
  • Seminar at Fontys | Eindhoven- 2024
A new fuzzer for stateful systems
  • WSF23 - Workshop on Security Frameworks "Intelligence rests on Knowledge" | Catania - 2023

Slides are not available because the paper has not been published yet.

Stateful fuzzing:challenges, new approaches and future directions
  • INTERSECT Conference | The Hague - 2023
A new fuzzer for stateful systems
  • University of Catania (Digital Security Group) | Catania - 2023

Slides are not available because the paper has not been published yet.

LearnFuzz: a methodology to combine grey box fuzzing and active learning
  • University of Catania (Digital Security Group) | Online - 2023
Fuzzers for stateful systems: Survey and Research Directions
  • WSF22 - Workshop on Security Testing | Catania - 2022
  • INTERSECT Conference | Enschede - 2022
  • Radboud University (Digital Security Group) | Nijmegen - 2022
  • Radboud University (Software Science Group) | Nijmegen - 2022
  • University of Catania (Digital Security Group) | Online - 2022

Conferences & Schools & Events

Fuzzing and Software Security Summer School

Singapore | 2024 - website


Utrecht | 2024 - website

9th Annual Cyber Security Next Generation Workshop

Apeldoorn | 2023 - website

PhD Workgroup

Nijmegen | 2023 - website

Cyber in Sophia Antipolis

France | 2023 - website

Fuzzing workshop

Nijmegen | 2023 - website

SEN symposium

Amsterdam | 2023 - website

INTERSECT Conference

The Hague | 2023 - website


Utretch | 2023 - website

AMSec Symposium: Security by Design

Amsterdam | 2023 - website

International School on Foundations of Security Analysis and Design (FOSAD 2022)

Bertinoro | 2022 - website

INTERSECT Conference

Enschede | 2022 - website

SEN symposium

Amsterdam | 2022 - website

ESI symposium

Eindhoven | 2022 - website

Reviewed papers

@ ESORICS and Computers & Security | 2024

@ ESORICS and Computers & Security | 2023

@ IEEE Access and ITASEC22 | 2022

Cristian Daniele

(Linkedin) (GitHub) (Scholar)

PhD Student in Digital Security at Radboud University

Short bio

Hi all! I'm Cristian Daniele and I'm a PhD student at Radboud University.
My background covers various aspects of Cyber security. Although, during my Bachelor's and Master's degree, I deepened my knowledge about the formal analysis of protocols and specific cryptographic primitives used to insert delay within a process (my Master's thesis focuses on the C implementation of the VDF -- Verifiable Delay Functions).
Now, I'm focusing on fuzzing for stateful systems and formal analysis of protocols. Feel free to drop me a few lines if you are interested in these fields!




  • PhD in Digital Security - Radboud University (2022 - ongoing)
  • Master's degree in Computer Science - Univesity of Catania (2018 - 2020)
  • Degree in Computer Science - Univesity of Catania (2015 - 2018)

Teaching experience

  • Teaching assistant
    • Security Protocols | Radboud University - 2024
    • Software Security | Radboud University - 2023
    • Security Protocols | Radboud University - 2023
    • C++ programing tutoring course - Univesity of Catania (2019)
  • Thesis supervisions
  • Conferences & Schools & Events

    • Fuzzing and Software Security Summer School - Singapore | 2024
    • FUSE5G - Utrecht | 2024
    • 9th Annual Cyber Security Next Generation Workshop - Apeldoorn | 2023
    • PhD Workgroup (Organiser) - Nijmegen | 2023
    • Cyber in Sophia Antipolis - France | 2023
    • Fuzzing workshop (Co-organiser) - Nijmegen | 2023
    • SEN symposium - Amsterdam | 2023
    • INTERSECT Conference - The Hague | 2023
    • ICT Open - Utretch | 2023
    • AMSec Symposium: Security by Design - Amsterdam | 2023
    • International School on Foundations of Security Analysis and Design (FOSAD 2022) - Bertinoro | 2022
    • INTERSECT Conference - Enschede | 2022
    • SEN symposium - Amsterdam | 2022
    • ESI symposium - Eindhoven | 2022

    Reviewed papers

    • @ ESORICS and Computers & Security | 2024
    • @ ESORICS and Computers & Security | 2023
    • @ IEEE Access and ITASEC22 | 2022

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